Monday, June 9, 2008

Today I start on a familiar journey.......

The weight loss journey. It's Monday and I'm in dire need of losing weight. I've had four kids so I've gained and lost weight in the past. I know what will work for me. I just need to do it and do it everyday.

My biggest challenge: MENTAL! I have to fight this everyday. I have horrible negative self talk which eventually leads to either giving up or cheating so often that I get so far off track, there is no going back.

I'm usually great the first two weeks, but today I am struggling right out of the box. I know I HAVE to do it, but I don't want to do the work it takes. And maybe that is not all it is.......maybe I would do the work if I could be guaranteed this would be the LAST time. I know it doesn't work that way, but I've yet to emotionally accept it. More than having to do the work, I HATE the yo-yo of it.........the lose weight, gain it back, lose, gain, lose, gain.......etc.

So anyone out there got any sage advice for me? I need the help....I've weighed and measured myself.....and I'm one coke away from failure on the first day :)


By The Seat Of My Pants said...

Stick with it, BSM!! Just let me get ahold of that negative self-talkiness! Hey, if you want to try to do something together to support each other that would be cool with me...I really need to get back on the wagon (cookie dough for breakfast) mmmhhhmmmhhhmm...

World's Greatest Mommy said...

I'm right there with you. I'm just taking it one step at a time. I'm learning to enjoy water, and fill myself up with it.

I'm also banning any food from being around the computer.

When I get hungry, instead of grabbing something, I go to the comptuer. Inevitably I find an awesome blog and lose myself in it instead of chocolate or chips.

DD said...

I've got some great advice.


Then it is your last time. It takes away your last "excuse". Then you just gotta bust it. GO!

Unknown said...

you go, girl!! i wish i had the secret for you. drink a lot of water!!

Kristin said...

YOU ARE A WINNER! I randomly chose a commenter for my apron give away, and YOU won! Congratulations! Contact me at with your shipping information so that I can get it out to you!