Thursday, December 11, 2008

Gifts for Book Club

I am in a book club. We meet the second Wednesday of the month at noon for discussion and a potluck lunch. I look forward to this day all month!

Our December meeting is enhanced with a game of Dirty Santa (or some call it white elephant). Each person brings a wrapped book (new or lovingly read) and the stealing begins. Here was my book:

We're you wondering what the book was? It was We Thought You'd be Prettier, True Tales of the Dorkiest Girl Alive by Laurie Notaro. The Keeper ended up with it.

I also had a little gift for each book club member. I found the idea for this simple, homemade gift from Little Birdie Secrets.

Of course, I waited until the night before to do it and couldn't get my printer to print out the directions, so I added a dot to the top with 3T written on it. That's to remind my friends to add 3 T. of mix to hot water or milk.

It also reminds them that Laurie Notaro cannot be the dorkiest girl alive.

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