Saturday, December 20, 2008

Christmas Traditions........

I've carried on a few Christmas traditions over the years:

~Each year I buy a ornament for each kid that says something about what their life is like this year. Of course they each got a baby's first xmas that first year. But as they've grown and their interests have changed, it's been fun to add to the collection. My stepmother did this for her kids and the theory was when they got married, they got their ornament collection. I never did check to see if they got theirs or not..........however my kids have enjoyed this tradition.

~ I buy everyone new holiday pj's to wear on Christmas Eve. That way when we are taking pictures while opening the presents in the morning no one is in their undies!

~ We make smores in our fireplace after decorating the tree. Even if we have to put the air conditioner on to do it.

~After Thanksgiving the kitchen radio gets switched to the station that plays non-stop Christmas music until Dec. 26th.

from Google Image

What are some of your Christmas traditions????

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