If you know me for more than 5 minutes you know how much I LOVE the library.
It's a big deal in our house to have your own library card. On your fifth birthday we go to the library, sign your full name that we've been practicing for this moment, and then go out for ice cream to celebrate.
But for the past few years, we barely go to peruse the shelves.
We no longer have to.
We utilize their website. You can sign in to your account with your card number and password. Then you can request books, renew books, check due dates, and search for availability.
When I'm on the library website I also have 2-3 other windows open. One is for either barnes and noble or amazon with book suggestions. I may also have goggled books for teen boys or if my kids have a specific interest I'll search for books relating to that. We have found so many great books this way.
The other window we have open is blockbuster.com. We check for new releases every week and request to be put on the waiting list at the library for all the new movies we are interested in. This has been a huge money saver as we aren't attending movies or paying for rentals.
All of this is done from the comfort of our home.
And when we do it this way, the book or video is held behind the circulation desk. Our library does engage in a inter library loan system in which if our library doesn't have a particular title available, you are able to request from another library and they will send it to your library. But even if your book is on the shelf at your library, once you request it on line, they pull it and hold it. Then when I go in to the library, I just pull out our cards and hand them to the librarian and she hands me back a stack of books and videos.
I also get emails letting me know when a title I've requested and been waiting for is available for pick up.
We are at the library several times a week now.
We keep a library bag by the front door for all of us to put in books and videos that are ready to be returned.
Sometimes we will still take a Saturday to slowly meander the shelves of the library.
And bunnyboo and I go to Mother Goose storytime on occasion, as well as the yearly play put on for preschoolers. Puppet shows, movie nights, and craft days are also fun times.
We've patronized the library book sale and found some great deals as well.
Our library also has many clubs; book clubs as well as other interests like chess clubs, genealogy, etc. etc. They also have little or no cost classes such as sign language, computer, etc.
Making the most of my library works for me. Have you made the most of YOUR library?
Head over to We are THAT family to see what works for others.
No I haven't,but my library has made the most of me in the form of late fees. IWILLBEBETTERIWILLBEBETTER! I LOVE your little tradition of the new library card...aww..sniff for some bizarre reason it even gets me teary, what a lovely memory that will be for your grown up 5 year old's one day. We have a wonderful library and it was my saving grace when we first moved here and were shell-shocked by the weather and knew no-one, I've been neglecting it lately, time to get back in the groove. Thanks!!
Thanks also for stopping by today-I work well under pressure too ;)
I love my library and we are using it more and more as my daughter loves to go there too.
I do use our library especially in the summer with my kids!
sandy toe
Hey, thanks for stopping by back on Frugal Friday at Shabby Nest. (I'm just getting around to responses to comments, etc.)
We are big on the library around here, too. And I truly don't know what I'd do without our online system. I can't imagine looking for books the old-fashioned way (with four kids tugging on me and/or running around like little crazies), storytime has saved the day on more than one occasion, and I NEED reminders telling me books are due. (boy, do I ever)
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